Documents That The Receptionist Handles

Documents That The Receptionist Handles or keep

The receptionist maintains a few documents in his office, which enable her to perform her responsibilities smoothly and effectively. The receptionist may handle the following documents:


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7 Documents That The Receptionist Handles or keep

1. Visitors Slip

This document was discovered in the receptionist’s office. Typically, it is in loose sheets. Each visitor that enters the receptionist’s office is handed a visitor’s slip to sign. This identifies the visitor, the reason for his visit, the officer he wishes to meet, and if or not his visit is by appointment.

The visitor completes the slip by writing his or her name, address, the purpose of the visit, and whether or not the visit is by appointment. The receptionist then delivers the slip to the appropriate officer.

The officer would then assess whether or not to admit the guest. In the absence of such a visitor’s slip, the receptionist may collect the visitor’s information nicely over the phone. If the visitor is on appointment, it is simpler because the officer in question may not keep him waiting for an extended period of time.


2. Visitors book

While a visitor’s book is somewhat different from a visitor’s slip, they are both comparable in contents and meaning because they both seek information about the guest and his purpose for visiting. While individual visitors are given visitor’s slips to fill in their information, which are then forwarded to the office of the officer responsible for comment, the visitor’s book is often a booklet kept at the office that contains the information on all visits to the organization.

Occasionally, this book is referred to as the Register of Callers. It comprises the following information: the visitor’s name and address and the date and time of the visit, the visitor’s contact number, the officer consulted and the reason of the visit, the visitor’s time of exit, and the visitor’s signature.

It’s worth mentioning that visitor’s booklets come in a variety of styles. Any design that a business adopts is beneficial to the business. There is no such thing as a superior design because they all offer the same set of content.

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3. Telephone Message Pad

This is saved by the receptionist for the purpose of recording telephone messages intended for the organization’s officials. Occasionally, the receptionist will answer a phone call for her absent employer.

She will record all telephone messages in the Telephone Mesage Pad and submit them to her supervisor when he returns. There has also been a decrease in this part of the receptionist’s responsibilities as a result of the advent of mobile phone. Nowadays, the majority of callers contact via the private mobile lines of the company’s officers with whom they wish to communicate. As a result, just a few businesses today keep a Telephone Message Pad.

To ensure proper telephone message record, the telephone should be located on the left side, allowing the receptionist to use her left hand when writing with her right, or vise – versa if she writes with her left. The officers concerned should be informed immediately of the telephone message taken on his behalf. However, with the advent of GSM, this document is rapidly being wiped out, as callers typically contact such authorities directly via their mobile phones.


4. Complimentary Or Business Card

This is a little card, typically 9cm by 5cm, that is retained by the card’s owner and given to those who wish to learn who he is, where he works, and the kinds of job he does. As a result, the business card carries information about the card’s owner. Additionally, it is referred to as a Complimentary Card.

The business card contains information about the owner, such as the officer’s name, the name of the company for which he works or owns, the officer’s office and residential addresses and telephone numbers, the owner’s official position, and the nature of job he engages in.

There is no standard format for a business card, which is why no two appear identical, but they all serve the same purpose of displaying the card’s owner’s information.

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5. Telephone Directory

The telephone directory is a book that was previously produced by the Post and Telecommunications (P&T), but is now published by the Nigerian Telecommunications Authority (NITEL). It comprises the telephone numbers, names, and addresses of all businesses and private individuals who own telephones, referred collectively as subscribers.

The list of landline owners (subscribers) and their contact information for the company’s customers or clients. The yellow pages of the majority of directories contain adverts for various businesses and items.


6. Diary

The diary is a book that the receptionist uses to keep track of everyday happenings, including appointments made on behalf of his boss and possibly other corporate officers.

The diary is purposefully and meticulously organized such that it contains all of the days and months of the year in sequential sequence, as well as market days in some cases. This structure enables the receptionist to utilize it for recording and quickly locate any information stored in it.

Certain diaries include space for callers’ telephone numbers and addresses. Additionally, most diaries have included names and addresses of notable hotels and guest houses, the addresses of embassies, nations and their capitals, as well as maps illustrating essential routes such as air routes, train lines, and so on.

However, anyone other than the receptionist may use journals for private purposes. Students, traders, parents, and business owners all make use of diaries in their own unique circumstances.

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7. Appointment List

This is a document that the receptionist keeps to keep track of who is scheduled to see the company. This enables the receptionist to quickly determine the number of visitors expected on any given day and at what hour they are expected.

Additionally, because she is aware of these visitors, she is in a better situation to alert her superiors and, if required, other officers involved.

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