Meaning and Types of Industrial occupation | Commerce

Meaning of Industrial occupation


What is Industrial occupation?

All activities involved in the physical manufacture of commodities are referred to as Industrial Occupations.
They work to take raw materials from the sea and the land and transform them into semi-finished products. They also gather all of these components into forms that can be put to further use. They engage in the physical production of goods in industries.

Industrial Occupation

SEE ALSO: Meaning and types of Occupation


Types Of Industrial Occupation


1. Extractive Occupation

They are involved in the extraction of natural resources and raw materials from the ground or the sea. Farming, fishery, mining, gathering, and hunting are some of these. Making raw materials and natural resources from the land or the sea accessible is what this relates to. The following are some examples of extractive industry products: cotton, iron ore, coffee, timber products, limestone, etc. This stage of production is also known as the primary stage.

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2. Manufacturing Occupation

This one is about the work that people do to process and create finished goods from raw materials. Multiple approaches, such as those used in the production of food, textiles, and plastics, are used to add value to the finished product and utility before the raw material or natural resources are transformed into the main finished product.


3. Constructive Occupation

This category covers all operations performed by persons who assemble produced things into usable forms. They work on buildings, railways, dams and any occupation that involves assembling components, etc.

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