Meaning, Benefits And Attributes Of Discipline | National Value

Meaning Of Discipline

Discipline refers to an individual’s capacity to carry out activities in accordance with society’s standards and expectations, including what, when, and how they should be done. The individual follows the norms and regulations that have been established. It’s the mindset of always doing the responsible thing at the appropriate time, without being pushed or encouraged to do so.


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Discipline is a process of training and learning that supports growth and maturity through acquiring knowledge and attitude in order to produce compliance to rules, self-control, and self-respect. It assists us in being well-behaved, adjusted, joyful, and contributing members of society.

A disciplined person is someone who follows the norms and regulations in his local and wider environment. We must observe the rules of our land and show respect to established authorities such as government officials, the administration, lecturers, our parents and seniors, and so on as responsible citizens of this magnificent nation.

To avoid being penalized, we should also follow all traffic rules and schools rule and regulations to avoid accidents. Disobedience to the law results in a variety of penalties, whereas compliance to the law results in benefits, recognition, and positive feedback.

In civilization, discipline gives stability and continuity. It leads to national peace, harmony, progress, and growth.

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Attributes Of Discipline

Discipline possesses the following characteristics:


1. Self Control

This is a person’s ability to exercise authority over his emotional feelings, which might have a negative impact on his behavior. This indicates that a disciplined individual can always maintain control over his actions and emotions, especially when it comes to sexuality, power, status, money, food, and conflict. When a disciplined person feels wounded, furious, or excited, it’s difficult to tell. His attitude on these issues will distinguish him as a disciplined person.


2. Moderation

This is the trait of being logical and not being on the fence about something. Being a moderate always creates a balance between two opposing viewpoints: left and right. They also avoid drawing unnecessary attention to themselves. A disciplined individual is always careful in how he dresses, speaks, and presents himself in public.

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3. Modesty

It has to do with avoiding bragging too much about one’s ability or belongings. Disciplined individuals do not discuss their personal interests much, but rather what will benefit everyone. Dressing modestly is also a sign of modesty. Many adolescent boys and girls dress indecently nowadays, displaying parts of their bodies that should be hidden

For instance, drooping trousers among young boys, exposed cleavage, and display thighs among young ladies are all examples of indecent body exposure that should be opposed by all right-thinking individuals in order to keep our children from going down the wrong path.

4. Respect For Legitimate Authority

The term “authority” refers to the formal right to enact and enforce laws that citizens must follow. Thus, legitimate power is defined as that which is mandated by the electorate of voters. Legitimate authority deserves the citizens’ respect. In other terms, disciplined citizens must submit to legal authority independently of whether they are ordered to do so. The reward that a legitimate government receives from disciplined community members is obedience.


5. Compliance With Rules And Regulations

Regulations and rules are the mechanisms put in place to regulate human behavior. It enables both the powerful and the weak, the wealthy and the needy, to exist and carry out our social, political, economic, and business transactions in society without becoming oppressed.

All sorts of people should adhere to rules and regulations to ensure the smooth operation of society’s affairs. Breaches of the norms and regulations are severely punished to act as a warning to other lawless individuals. Disciplined kids adhere to all school rules and regulations in order to avoid punishment.

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6. Perseverance

This is the attribute of enduring in the face of overwhelming odds in order to accomplish a particular objective or goal. Perseverance entails holding on, pressing forward, and refusing to give up, grow tired, or become discouraged until one’s task is completed. This necessitates effort.

Students need to take their academic studies seriously and must not give up or be disheartened when confronted with a difficult assignment or situation. They should be; rather than giving up, they should persist or press on until victory is achieved.

7. Dedication

This is the attempt that someone makes to complete an activity or accomplish a goal based on its importance. It is a commitment to one’s assigned duty or job. Dedication is indeed an observable behavior that demonstrates an interest in and a sense of responsibility for the tasks at hand.

Disciplined pupils are committed to their academic tasks and other school-related assignments.


The Benefits Of Disciplined Behavior

In contemporary society, the following are some of the advantages of disciplined behavior.


1. Social Amenities Provision

Communities or communities with orderly citizens are constantly rewarded with social facilities such as potable, good roads, electricity, and school systems. Citizens contributed to the provision of amenities through their support and work in completing tasks.

Certain Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and some other agencies do donate school supplies and books, give health services and free medical treatment, and work to eradicate water-borne sickness. Some persons even construct schools and furnish school desks for use in schools; yet, these activities are impossible without disciplined behaviors.

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2. Revenue, Savings And Investments

Disciplined behavior contributes to the growth of income and investment. Individuals will be motivated and capable of working and earning an income. A portion of it can be kept and later invested to increase the production of goods and services for the pleasure of all and everyone, as well as for the nation’s economic prosperity.


3. Establishment Of A Supportive Environment

Disciplined behavior is concerned with creating an environment that facilitates the production, distribution, trading, and consumption of products and services. The term ‘enabling environment’ refers to a safe and secure environment for people and property, as well as good roads, electricity, and peace and order. All of these factors will stimulate economic activity and contribute to development and progress.

4. Stronger Institutions Will Eventually Occur

Disciplined behavior in a country enables the emergence of strong institutions such as the judiciary, police force and police departments, banks, insurance, stock exchange, and cooperative groups, all of which contribute to the creation of an enabling environment for the society’s sustained growth.


5. Other Social Institutions

Marriage, healthcare, legal, and religious institutions will emerge as hubs for the spread of information and strong moral standards, assisting in the eradication or cessation of social ills such as violence, thievery, cheating, corruption, dishonesty, and greed.

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6. Fundamental Human Rights

Disciplined behavior is a guarantee of people’s rights in any country, as government agencies and members of society will work together to assure the safety and respect of citizens’ rights.

Individuals’ rights to life and safety, peaceful association, freedom, movement, and equality before the law will not be violated. All of these rights shall be upheld and protected.


Implications Of Undisciplined Behaviour

Among the disadvantages of irresponsible behavior are the following:

1. Instability in the society

Undisciplined societies exhibit the following symptoms: disorientation, selfishness, ‘god-fatherism,’ favoritism, anger, and inefficiency. These variables not only impede the smooth operation of social affairs, but also act as stumbling blocks in the path of progress; in other terms, they become barriers to progress.

2. Corruption at All Levels

A nation with undisciplined behavior is a country that is entirely corrupt in thought and practice. This implies that the government and its agencies will emerge through dubious means and will conceal facts with lies, exposing them as corrupt individuals. Because the leaders are corrupted just doing horrible things, their followers will follow suit, emulating their leaders’ bad ways of life.

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3. Weak Social Institutions

Where there is an absence of discipline, social institutions such as religion and politics become hubs for useless gossip choruses, where people congregate to discuss individuals rather than topics or ideas. Some have bad work habits, while others labor solely to divert government funds to their personal use. Religion and politics, which should aid in the eradication of undesirable behaviors, have become centers for concealing evil and covering up wrongs.


4. Disgraceful publicity of Government And Its Citizens

Citizens of a country whose behavior is out of control are exposed to foreign communities. Citizens will become targets of wrongdoing as a result of their social stigma. Numerous Nigerians today face deportation, jail, and other repercussions as a result of their host countries’ harsh behavior.


5. It Can Be Harmful To The Innocent Citizens

Certain innocent individuals who are unaware of the misconducts of others are occasionally victims of irresponsible behavior that cannot be traced back to them. Innocent people have been killed or been imprisoned as a result of the actions of others. Indisciplined behavior is detrimental and should be avoided by everyone.

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