Meaning, Problems and Advantages Of Farm Mechanization

Meaning, Problems, Advantages And Disadvantages Of Farm Mechanization | Agriculture


What is Farm Mechanization?

Farm mechanization is the use of engineering and technology to make farming easier, store crops, and process them on the farm. It involves the use of machines and technology in agricultural operations.

Farm mechanization

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Farm mechanization can be used when preparing the land, planting, applying fertilizer, pulling weeds, and harvesting crops. It also includes raising, caring for, and feeding animals, as well as processing and storing farm products with the right machines.


Problems Of Farm Mechanization

  1. Land tenure system
  2. Farms in different places
  3. Inadequate resources to power engines (Fuel and electricity)
  4. Farmers’ lack of capital to purchase machines
  5. Poor facilities (machinery)
  6. Unfavorable topography
  7. Different kinds of soil
  8. Inadequate spare parts
  9. Not enough qualified technical personnel
  10. Issues with trees and logs.


Advantages Of Farm Mechanization

  1. It cuts down cost on labour.
  2. It raises farmer’s income.
  3. A reduction in production costs
  4. The quality and quantity of products is improved
  5. It makes sure that farm activities are done and finished as quickly as possible.
  6. It saves time and effort that could be used elsewhere.
  7. It cuts down on the risks to health and accidents that can happen when using tools.
  8. It makes work less boring.
  9. It promotes farming on a large scale, which boosts output.
  10. It encourages workers to become experts in the jobs they do, like machine operators who become experts on the tools they work with.
  11. It encourages farmers to work together by letting them pool their money to buy tools and take turns using them. This brings them closer together.
  12. It saves money on labor costs, waste, mistakes, and food that goes bad, which means more money in your pocket.

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Disadvantages Of Farm Mechanization

  1. High cost of capital investment and purchase
  2. Inadequate power supply to power electric-driven machines
  3. It puts people out of work
  4. Land tenure systems, like communal land tenure, don’t support the use of machinery because they give people small plots of land.
  5. Some machines compress the soil and distort soil formation
  6. The smoke from the combustion engine causes air pollution to the environment.
  7. Degradation of landscape
  8. Changes to the structure of the soil
  9. Not all crops can be grown or managed with machines.
  10. There isn’t enough expert know-how.
  11. Crops can be damaged due to the movement of heavy machines
  12. Inadequate and expensive spare parts
  13. High cost of maintenance.
  14. Pests and diseases spread.
  15. Unstable supply of fuel

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Prospects of mechanization

  1. Farmers should receive education on how to adopt the current mechanization system.
  2. Loans should be made available and subsidized to farmers so they can buy farm equipment.
  3. Farmers should combine their funds to purchase expensive farm equipment.
  4. To make more land accessible for farming, the system of land tenure needs to be reviewed and reformed.
  5. A farmer should be able to purchase simple, affordable machines.
  6. Engineers who are skilled in working with machines should be available.
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