Meaning, Attributes and Examples of Integrity | National Values

Meaning of Integrity and Consequences of Lack of Integrity in (Civic Education)


Meaning Of Integrity

To be honest and strong in one’s moral values is the quality of having integrity. It has to do with the trait of having an open, transparent sense of morality in regard to interpersonal relationships.

A man of integrity is an individual who is not corrupt; such a man will not act unethically when he knows it is wrong, whether it be for financial gain or any other purpose. Even when he knows he won’t be caught, a student with integrity will decide against cheating on an exam. Even if no one would notice he is lying, he will decide against lying to obtain more money or any other thing.

Education Lesson

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In interactions with others, a person of integrity is plain and honest. He is reliable and well-behaved. He can be trusted with the public funds intended for community development or welfare. Integrity fosters positive values and is essential for the welfare and advancement of society.


Attributes Of Integrity


1. Probity

This is a term to the trait of always being entirely honest in one’s life and in all interpersonal interactions. Transparency in the management of public resources including money, property, and information is required. Whatever work or responsibility is assigned to him, a man of integrity is always truthful and responsible for it.


2. Equity

Being fair and truthful in interactions with others is a quality that belongs to this group. It is the act of conducting oneself honorably while abiding by social norms. If you offer someone what they deserve, you are being fair to them. Partiality and favoritism have no place in equity. Without bias or prejudice, things are done the proper way and at the proper moment.

A fair person behaves honorably, follows established rules, and is honest in both his words and deeds. He is dependable, truthful, responsible, and trustworthy. Because he never engages in unethical behavior, he is respected in society. People with this particular virtue are required in society because when they hold positions of authority, society will advance and be at peace.

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3. Honesty

This trait entails engaging with people in a sincere, plain, and honest manner. An honest person always speaks the truth and does not lie, cheat, steal, or withhold important information from those who require it. He has strong morals, is well-disciplined, and is not quickly enticed by gifts of wealth or promotions.

SEE ALSO: Meaning, attributes and benefits of Honesty

An honest kid won’t cheat in examinations or lie to teachers to get away with it and avoid punishment. Honest people are renowned for speaking openly with others. Regarding delicate situations, they are unbiased in their ideas or opinions. They never exhibit bias or are reluctant to speak the truth about anything, whether it involves positive or negative behavior.

Honesty among citizens improves the reputation and image of the nation and draws in foreign investors. Because they foster positive relationships, shared trust, and foster social harmony and stability in the region in society, honest people are very required in our nation.


4. Contentment

This refers to the capacity to be content with one’s possessions for a specific length of time. It is the emotion of being satisfied and delight with one’s possessions, no matter how little or significant they may be. A person who is content is at ease, peaceful, and enthusiastic. In his interactions with others, he demonstrates these traits. He never engages in idle chatter, rumors, defamation, personal attacks, or backbiting.

A contented individual works hard to achieve his or her goals and significantly better themselves rather than feeling inferior to those who are higher up than him or her. He prefers to go at his own pace rather than competing with his contemporaries.

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5. Adherence To Principles

In this circumstance, a guy with principles cannot be readily swayed by money or any other material possession. He cannot give in to threats or pressure to compromise on what goes against his beliefs or cultural standards or ideals.

He adheres rigidly to the laws that govern how people should behave and how society should operate. Whatever actions or decisions he makes in every situation are driven by his strong will. He prioritizes the common good over self-interest.


6. Truthfulness

This refers to a person’s capacity or quality to be authentic or real in his interactions with other members of society. A person that is truthful does not tell lies; instead, they always speak the truth or provide accurate information in any given circumstance. Such a guy is honorable and trustworthy. He is seen as a valuable person in society and is trusted.

Being honest with one another improves relationships, self-assurance, and mutual trust. It promotes cooperation, development, peace, and national unity. Students are urged to always tell the truth, both at home and in the classroom.

Heroes from our society, past and present who embody integrity include:

  1. Fela Kuti
  2. Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe
  3. Prof. Wole Soyinka
  4. Mallam Aminu Kano
  5. MKO Abiola
  6. Chief Obafemi Awolowo
  7. Dr. Akanu Ibiam
  8. Dr. Obiageli Ezekwesili
  9. Chief Gani Fawehinmi
  10. Alhaji Balarabe Musa
  11. Chief Emeka Anyaoku
  12. Prof. Chinua Achebe
  13. Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.
  14. Prof. Dora akunyili


International figures inludes

  1. South African Nelson Mandela
  2. Mahatma Gandhi
  3. Abraham Lincoln
  4. Zambian leader Kenneth Kaunda
  5. American President Barack Obama.

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Need For Integrity in the society

Every society, no matter how big or little, requires honest people. This is because of their wide-ranging significance, which includes, among other things:

1. Development of Communities

Community development occurs when residents of a specific locale or region gather together to debate and decide on any perceived needs of their community. Such perceived requirements might be addressed by building hospitals, schools, markets, water pipes, roads, electricity, etc. Community participation is typically necessary for the completion of such initiatives or programs.

Only when these programs are planned, funded, and carried out by trustworthy members of the community then the workthey feasible. This indicates that having honest individuals around ensures the growth of any community.


2. Helping the needy

People with integrity will always give back to the their society and not steal from them. T they send kids to academic institutions like universities and centers for skill development. They cover all of their expenses.


3. Connection of individuals who are like them

People with integrity bring in like-minded individuals from different groups who are friends, partners, or contemporary in order to help them financially and in other ways. They can invite these individuals or friends to generously donate during launching ceremonies or fund-raising gatherings in order to provide basic amenities that will leave a lasting impact in society.

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4. Harmonious coexistence

Communities blessed with decent people make for a good place to live in the eyes of people from various geographical, political, religious, and other backgrounds. Since there is protection for both life and property, they are able to conduct transactions of any kind of business.

All worthwhile human endeavors are carried out without resentment or hostility. Peace, law, and order are guaranteed when people of integrity are present in the environment or society.


5. Growth and development

Men of integrity in any society or nation assure continued progress in all spheres of life, which enhances the quality of life for those who live there.


6. Referring points

Because of their exceptional attributes that set them out from the crowd as admirable examples of people who are well-organized and well-behaved, men of integrity are always recognized as reference points. The young people view them as mentors, role models, and someone to aspire to, imitate, or replicate.


7. Resource individuals

To make points that can be challenging to understand, people of integrity can work as professors, lecturers, or speakers at conferences, workshops, and other events. They can discuss the negative impacts of improper behavior among young people and those who encourage it. These upright guys, who have succeeded in life by acting honorably and honestly, will serve as better role models for young people.

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8. Custodians of values

Because they are the stewards of societal values and conventions, men of integrity are needed in society.

Because they uphold our beliefs or are visible in them, they serve as living examples or their embodiment. Values like abstinence before marriage, faithfulness in marriage, kindness, humbleness, justice, honesty, avoidance of falsehood, protecting or defending the vulnerable, the poor, and the underprivileged, showing honor and respect to those in authority and the elderly, and avoiding offering and receiving bribes or payoffs are all attributed to people of integrity and must not be put to sleep or be despised.


Consequences of lack of Integrity

Communities or societies without honest people are more prone to have the following effects:

1. Unhealthy Lifestyle

The population will live in an unhealthy way. The dominant societal vices will be fear, hatred, bitterness, jealousy, greed, antagonism, and others. These social ills will cause society to suffer.


2. A Lack of Long-Term Growth

Education will suffer if there aren’t honest individuals around because people could not receive the kind of education they want. The society will also lack fundamental necessities, such as roads, water, and power.


3. Propensities for crime

Social vices including child abuse, kidnapping, drug use, smuggling, car snatching, fraud, forgery, falsifying documents, examination misconduct, murder, destruction, and other crimes will become commonplace in any community where men of integrity are lacking.


4. Failure of Institutions

Social institutions including those in the fields of health, power, the economy, and law will degenerate into commonplace entities that just exist in name. This is due to the absence of individuals of integrity in positions of authority within their social structures. The institutions deteriorate and are reduced to mere shadows of what they once were.

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5. Illiteracy and Ignorance

Without honest people, societies run the risk of being overrun by ignorance, sickness, and superstitious beliefs. This factor causes society’s members to lead pointless lives.


6. Violent Competition

Unhealthy Competitiveness in human affairs, such as leadership positions, economics, and social activities, is a constant in societies without people of integrity.

6. Creation Of Gaps

When there aren’t enough honest individuals around, there are holes that can be taken advantage of by a select few privileged local champions who can’t compete with outsiders in a rural setting. The rich may become richer and the poor may become poorer as a result of this circumstance.

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