Meaning, Types and Uses of Office Correspondence | Business Studies

Office Correspondence, Types and Correspondence records

What is Correspondence?

Correspondence basically means communication which is generally through letters or emails. Mail is another term for “Correspondence.” We receive mail or correspondence in our offices and businesses in the form of letters, packages, telegrams, memorandums, fax, e-mail, text or SMS (Short Message Service), and some other related documents.


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Incoming mail
Incoming mail refers to letters received by a business organization. The records offices will receive incoming correspondence in numerous ways. Some will arrive via the standard post office and other courier services, such as DHL, FedEx, UPS, and so on.

Other incoming mail may arrive via e-mail or, as technology advances, via writing messages:- Short Message Service (SMS) or even audio-visual messages

These are examples of Incoming Mail:

  • Written Letters
  • Parcels
  • E-mail
  • Telegrams
  • Internal memos
  • Text messages


Outgoing Mails
These are the documents or letters that are being sent out of or from the firm. The office assistant or clerk manages such mail with care and according to the necessary urgency. In smaller companies, the receptionist is also responsible for ensuring that such mail is addressed properly and accounted for. Letters, packages, computer-printed copies such, SMS, memos, text messages, and other similar mails are forms of outgoing mail.


Postage Book
The Postage Book is a book that records correct and detailed information about mails and other files that require postage. The book features the date, the actual number of postage stamps in use, and the address of reciepeint or sender.

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Types of Correspondence

There are 6 major types of correspondence:

  1. Internal Correspondence
  2. External Correspondence
  3.  Routine Correspondence
  4. Sales Correspondence
  5. Personalized Correspondence
  6. Circulars

1. Internal Correspondence
It refers to the communication between people, departments, or divisions within the same establishment.

2. External Correspondence
It refers to the communication between two parties. These are not from the same company. External correspondence is any communication outside the organization. This category includes customers and suppliers, financial institutions, educational institutions, and government agencies.

3. Routine Correspondence
It refers to the routine type of correspondence. Routine correspondence includes letters for enquiry, orders, responses, confirmations, invitations, and appointments.

4. Sales Correspondence
It is the correspondence associated with the sale. Letters of requests, sales reports, invoices, and order confirmations constitute sale correspondence. Letters of shipment, account statements, etc., are also different forms.

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5. Personalized Correspondence
It refers to communication influenced by emotions. Proposal, suggestions, and congratulations letters are examples of personalized correspondence. Letter of adoption, the granting and rejection of terms are a few examples of its use.

6. Circulars
It refers to the dissemination of common information to a significant number of people or businesses. This category includes press releases, notices of tenders, changes in address, and the launch of the new branch. The supply of new products is another illustration.


Forms of mail delivery

There are two methods for delivering mail or letters to recipients: either by mail or by hand.

• Delivery by Post
Individuals pay for a private mail box or envelope at the post office, within which their mail is collected securely and locked until the owner arrives with the keys to retrieve the document. The postman is also authorized by the post office’s administration to deliver collected mail to the contact address.

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• Delivery by Hand
Letters, memorandums, documents, handbills, notices of various sizes, etc. are examples of mail that can be conveyed by hand. The mail should be treated with care so that the receiver receives it promptly and without issues.

All mail is organized in the mailing room before distribution to the applicable individuals or organizations.


Correspondence records

Correspondence records are the documents that a firm uses to monitor, control or manage its correspondences. They provide evidence of significant transactions, letters, their purposes and recipients, dates, address, e-mails, and other information.

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Uses of Correspondence records

They serve as:

  1. To provide evidence of mail receipt and handling.
  2. To indicate the correct date on which mail was collected.
  3. To record information regarding the composition of mail.
  4. To display how the subject in question was addressed by the organization. Indicates whether a response has been provided or not.
  5. 5.To indicate precisely what agreement was reached and the date the action was made
  6. It verifies the delivery of mails.
  7. It indicates the source of the mail and the recipient or department.


Classes of Correspondence records

  1. Inward Register or book
  2. Outward Register or Book
  3. Dispatch Book
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