Meaning, Characteristics And Benefits of Positive Group Behaviour

Meaning of Positive Group Behaviour (Social Studies)

Positive group behaviours refer to actions and attitudes exhibited by individuals within a group that promote cooperation, respect, and support. These behaviours are characterized by effective communication, active listening, sharing of responsibilities, and open-mindedness.

The benefits of positive group behaviours include increased productivity, enhanced problem-solving abilities, improved relationships among group members, and a positive work or social environment.


Definition of Positive Group Behavior in Social Studies

This refers to a collective behaviour that is deemed appropriate by society. It is a behavioural result that is widely approved and inspiring to a majority of people. This behavioural outcome aligns with the established rules and regulations governing society or nation.

Positive group behaviour is effective and inspiring as it stems from the thoughts and emotions of the best individuals in society. It serves as a solution to the various societal issues currently impacting the country.

Positive group behaviours are actions carried out by groups of individuals who share common interests or professions. These actions aim to influence government policies for the benefit of the group and society.

Some groups, such as the Nigerian Bar Association, Nigerian Union of Teachers, Nigeria Labour Congress, Academic Staff Union of Universities, and Market Women Associations, show positive behaviour and are examples of organizations that have the best interests of the nation in mind. They either support or object to policies or laws that they believe would be detrimental or unhelpful to society.

Their ability to initiate harmful actions that may disrupt the efficient functioning of the government or society is incredibly limited. Instead, they tend to act in a logical and sensible manner.

Whenever they realize that their request is not producing the desired outcomes, they revert to rational thinking.


Characteristics Of Positive Group Behaviour

  1. Their purpose is to advocate for the welfare of the general public rather than to assume control of the government’s operations.
  2. Levies, donations, and membership dues are the primary sources of income for them. They receive financial assistance from individuals in the community who value their work.
  3. Their organization is well-structured. Their leaders undergo thorough testing, selection, and approval processes.
  4. Membership is granted exclusively to individuals who meet the required qualifications.
  5. They possess a team of experienced professionals who can connect with individuals from various backgrounds and sectors such as religion, military, civilians, economy, and traditional institutions.


Methods for Promoting Positive Group Interactions in Society

1. Lobbying

Organized bodies adopt this method to thoroughly elucidate the advantages and disadvantages of a specific matter they advocate for. By engaging in lobbying, they convince individuals of significance within society to endorse their proposals, benefiting both themselves and the larger community.

2. Strikes, Lock-outs And Boycotts

Groups such as NBA, TUC, NUT, ASUU, NLC, etc, employ strikes, lockouts, and boycotts as tactics to emphasize their demands. To prevent extensive harm caused by prolonged strikes, governments or organization owners may consent to their demands as a means of resolving the issue.

3. Publicity Campaigns

Social organizations like CAN, NUT, ASUU, NLC, etc, employ various methods such as meetings, rallies, door-to-door visits, posters, handbills, stickers, conferences, flyers, etc, in order to effectively communicate with the public and garner their support or empathy, with the ultimate goal of achieving their objectives.

4. Use Of Mass Media

Positive organizations utilize advertisements and sponsored programs through various mediums such as radio, television, and newspapers to persuade the general public about their products, intentions, etc., and encourage them to embrace or support them.

5. Petitions

Positive groups compose and submit public petitions to the relevant authorities or individuals in order to communicate issues that need to be addressed and propose practical solutions to them.

6. Peaceful Demonstrations

Peaceful demonstrations are utilized by positive groups to assert their requests, entitlements, and other objectives. These groups can take to the streets, displaying signs that express their demands while seeking public backing.


Benefits Of Positive Group Behaviours

Positive group behaviors offer numerous advantages. Some of these benefits include:

1. Companionship

In a friendly relationship, there is a delightful sensation that is shared. Positive behaviors within a group help foster this sense of camaraderie. This delightful sensation can involve love or affection. Many situations such as family gatherings, social clubs, and sporting events evoke these pleasant emotions.

Good social behaviors are taught and acquired through companionship. Members gain knowledge about social obligations, rights, laws, duties, and various other kinds of acceptable behaviors. Additionally, they acquire skills in practicing patience, resolving conflicts through counseling and reprimanding.


2. Survival And Security

Positive groups offer a variety of skills to support the well-being of their members and others. They motivate individuals to acquire valuable abilities that can lead to higher earnings.

They offer direct information for additional training through part-time studies, evening programs, internships, and seminars/workshops.

Whenever individuals, groups, or the government try to harm their members, organized associations such as NUT, NUJ, NBA, NLC, etc., immediately step in to protect and defend them.

The employment provided to their members offers a sense of safety. They educate them about the rules, rights, and benefits that can help them protect their jobs. Job security encourages positive interactions among people.


3. Affiliation And Status

Positive actions and conduct exhibited by groups and organizations result in the formation of respectable relationships. Engaging with civil society, religious institutions, and political parties provides individuals with valuable organizational networks. Additionally, positive groups can offer individuals significant status and influential positions.

This occurs because social groups seek individuals who meet specific requirements. Those who are eligible to join these groups attain a certain level of social standing that comes with responsibilities and benefits.

Organized collectives assist their members in attaining favorable positions in the political and religious sectors on both national and global scales.

4. Positive group behavior has the ability to empower and lead.

Positive collective actions can effectively enforce decisions and elicit compliance from individuals. Essentially, power is typically observed in the control of individuals who possess the skills to manage resources and use them to either reward or punish people according to their own judgment.

5. Members of positive group behaviors create attainable objectives.

As individuals strive to achieve these objectives, they develop qualities that motivate them to take further action and succeed. Accomplishing tasks or projects successfully brings benefits both to the individual and their community.