Meaning, factors and Importance of Values | National Value

National Values In Civic Education

Value can mean a variety of things. Theoretically, it is the monetary statement of the real value or quality of something. It involves evaluating or assessing one’s own worth. However, in Civic education or social studies, the definition of Values can be different and you can deduce the below definition and meaning.


What Is Values?

Values can be defined as beliefs and concepts that we hold dear and value as significant, worthwhile, and having good effects. Values play a crucial role in our lives since they shape and direct our beliefs, ideals, and principles.

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Importance Of Values

Value is crucial to civic education and to society as a whole. The following values are important in general:

  • Our conduct, judgment, decisions, and interactions with others are all governed by our values.
  • Values provide our individual lives and society as a whole with direction and meaning.
  • values affect our attitudes, behaviors, thoughts, and reactions toward other people.
  • Values guarantee and strengthen positive behavioral relationships.
  • A sense of happiness and fulfillment is brought on by understanding as well as believing in our values.
  • Being aware of and understanding our society’s values enables us to reject pressure to adopt unacceptable values held by others.
  • Values serve as a guide when making decisions.
  • It improves and promotes societal perceptions of self-worth.


Sources Of Our Values

Our values come from a variety of sources. These consist of:

  1. Family
  2. Schools
  3. Communities
  4. Mosques and churches
  5. Financial competence
  6. Culture
  7. Age/Peer group
  8. Workplace or financial conditions
  9. Events and gatherings for politics.
  10. News media, including newspapers, radio, and television.



Manifestations Of Values

• Values can be expressed at different levels  of our individual, community, and societal levels. Our lives, activities, conduct, or character are examples of how our values are manifested.

• Our individual values influence and guide our behavior in terms of decision-making, interactions with people of the opposite sex, and other areas. We will undoubtedly interact with decent individuals if we lead decent lives. If our moral standards are high, we will exercise caution in how we interact with people of the other sex.

• Our own values influence who we become, what we do, and the kind of life we lead. It increases our social responsibility and usefulness. Our career path and educational choices after secondary school are influenced by our own values.

• Fully understanding one’s own values will enable an individual to respect and recognize the rights and opinions of others in society.

• Our individual values will continue to enable us to make effective contributions to anything that fosters characteristics like integrity, respect, discipline, diligence, harmony, tolerance, and adherence to laws and regulations.



Societal Values


What is a societal values?

Social values are the standards, norms, and beliefs that society has established, accepted, and requires of its members. A society’s laws, policies, and regulations govern how its members must behave.

Everyone in a society should organize themselves, work hard, and successfully contribute to the accomplishment of these cherished social objectives, especially young people who are seen as the lifeblood or cornerstone of the society.


Society’s Positive Values includes:

  1. Sincerity and honesty
  2. Equity and justice
  3. diligence and perseverance
  4. Unity and peace
  5. Effective education system
  6. Reliable automobile delivery
  7. Development and progress
  8. Virtuous and accountable citizens
  9. Dressing modestly
  10. Self-control and discipline.



Society’s Negative Values includes:

Although there are certain detrimental values in society, the government is combatting unhealthy habits through a number of measures. This is because they are harming the nation’s reputation and image. Some of them consist of;

  1. Corruption and bribery
  2. Cultism
  3. Tribalism
  4. Armed robbery and Banditry
  5. Abduction or Kidnapping
  6. Human trafficking
  7. Drug abuse
  8. Examination malpractice
  9. Electoral misconduct
  10. Ritual practices
  11. Prostitution
  12. Indecent and unacceptable dressing

Our youths require reorientation and re-direction on the proper life path. Fighting against these vices in the nation requires the cooperation of all patriotic citizens of this wonderful nation. organizations and agencies like: EFCC, ICPC, NAFDAC, NOA, NDLEA, etc.


Factors that Encourage a Good Value System


1. Consistency

Consistency is the quality of constantly having the same attitudes, words, and actions; adhering to the same values; and being steady and unwavering. This is the sort of character that is anticipated from a good, upstanding citizen who is aware of both his own and society’s values.



2. Tolerance

This ability allows us to accept other people’s opinions and ways of doing things, even when we don’t accept them. Even if he does not agree with someone’s way of life or method of doing things, a tolerant individual will continue to work with them.


3. Fairness

Being just and truthful in one’s interactions with other people. Favoritism and discrimination are not acceptable. A person is thought to have good values if they exhibit the virtue of fairness.



4. Integrity

This quality refers to being truthful and steadfast in one’s moral principles. Integrity fosters positive values and is essential for the welfare and advancement of society.


5. Trust

Trust is the belief or readiness to believe that one can depend on the honesty, competence, and ability of someone to carry out a commitment. Our chief leaders and bosses require this quality. This element encourages society’s honorable values.

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